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Yes! Comeback, remontada, le grand retour: the staff day is back!

After a year of absence because of you know, obvious resaons, the coolest work related day of the year is back. We hope to see each other again in big numbers, to reconnect with each other and to prepare ourselves for the return to a bit more normal life.
In short: REVA Reset! 
On Tuesday September 14th we press the start button, but do already save the date!

The Party Planning Committee is very busy planning the whole day and we like some secrecy, more information will follow soon!

However, we would already like to know if we can expect you, let us know via the link below!
Sign up for REVA Reset
And we would like to know more about you.
In order to organize a fun activity, we ask you to fill in the questionnaire below. Very diverse questions, wait and see how we will use the answers!
Fill in the questionnaire
Physical Therapy Day
Wednesday September 8th we celebrate World Physical Therapy Day together with the colleagues of Ghent University Hospital. 

At 16:00 h. we welcome presentor, writer and experience expert on person-centred care Krista Bracke who will present her latest book. In Van mens tot mens: hoe patiënten zorgverleners kunnen inspireren she reaches fifteen valuable lessons for qualitative health care. The lecture lasts until 18:00 h. and everyone is welcome, in auditorium C or online. Accreditation is requested.

Afterwards it is time for aperitif and BBQ on the campus. Something to eat, to drink and and interesting acquaintance with the physiotherapists from Ghent University Hospital!
Sign up for Physical Therapy Day
Sharepoint GE37